Excellent questions. Responses are below:

Jerry Johnson wrote:

> A couple of questions spring to mind.
>   What version of CF (I think the answer is CFMX, but not sure if that
> is true system wide, as in do you have a mix of versions)

Currently, CF 5 on our external web server, CFMX 6.1 on intranet server.
External web server to be upgraded to MX soon. Running on Solaris, with
Oracle 8.1.7 as a DB (which will be upgraded to 9.x or 10G on Linux soon).

>   Percentage of public facing vs intranet administration

Half and half. Two production servers and one dev server.

>   Level of experience of other developers.

I'm the closest to advanced here (scary!) -- the other 3-4 developers
are probably more in the intermediate/beginner stages. Keeping us all
challeneged, but not to the point of frustration, is important. At the
same time, we need something stable that will be around for a long time.

>   How often do you turnover staff/have new hires

Not very often at all. Cushy government job and all.

>   Planned codebase technologies (html vs cfml vs cfcs vs flash remoting)
>   Existing codebase technologies (html vs cfml vs cfcs vs flash
>   remoting)

No flash yet, although I'd like to push those limits a bit. CMFL vs.
CFCs: the framework we choose will help to dictate that. I don't want us
to get stuck in the CFML past, so I'd like to be forward thinking and
move more towards CFCs and Java. Pretty much no straigh HTML files.

>   Is there any plan to integrate with CMS? Which one(s)

We have a home-rolled CMS, which was done by some previous developers
here. It's pretty robust, but also a mess under the hood and will
probably be re-written in whatever framework we choose, sort of as a
test case.

>   What is the similarity of codebase from section to section

There are hardly any similarities. One of the previous developers did a
bunch of smaller apps in a half-assed version of Fusebox 2. The rest is
a crapshoot. I am looking to survey the overall architecture and see
where commonly used functions can be broken out into web services, more
modularized apps, and share components where applicable.

Thanks for asking those questions, it helps me think through priorities

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