OK so I have been able to use XMLSearch filter by attributes, however I
want to be able to filter by the actual text between tags...the funny
thing is all of my CFMX books only filter by attributes in their
examples. I know this has to be really easy, but I am not sure how to
write an XPath statement to filter by the text between tags...For
example in the XML document below I want to just be able to pull those
courses with "FS" between the <subject> tags, this is what I thought
would work but it gives me nice little empy array. Thank you in advance

My Xpath statement:
resultsXML=XMLSearch(IDcoursesXML, '/catalog/course[subject="FS"]')

A snippet of the XML I am trying to search/filter:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section> DS-202</section>
<subject> DS</subject>
<![CDATA[ Intro Disability Studies ]]>
This course will explore the social, cultural, and ethical issues
surrounding the experience
of disability. It is co-taught by faculty from the English Department
and the School of Physical
Therapy. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. 2 hours. Thompson, Cicirello,
<![CDATA[2.00 ]]>
<section> DS-400</section>
Disability Studies in Theory & Practice
This course, a capstone for students in the Disability Studies minor, is
a combination of
seminar and field work. (The field work may be in the form on
internships or service-learning.)
In this course, students will review major concepts covered in prior
Disability Studies classes.
This review will be conducted in light of experiences and knowledge
acquired working at appropriate
sites in the local community. 2 hours. Thompson, Cicirello, Medeiros.
<credithours> <![CDATA[2.00 ]]></credithours>
<section> FS-150</section>
Personal Self Defense Women]]>
Women's Self Defense. See Human Performance department for course
description. 1 hour. Staff.
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