I need some guidance for rebuilding a site search.

The site has pretty much dynamic content, in different areas, news, product
catalog, trainning, etc... more than 20 in total, with a lot of dynamic
pages in each area.

I need the whole site to be searchable and I need one search looking for
dynamic content, pointing the user to the specific page context. So if
someone typed "LCD monitor" they'd be directed to the "LCD monitor" product
page, to the what's new page announcing the new LCD monitor and so on.

I could create a collection for each area, and speciffy the URL for the
area. But is this the best way to go?
How would the index know that the LCD monitor is announced on the
whatsnew/news.cfm(master) and whatsnew/news_details.cfm?newsid=(detail)?

Any help is appreciated.


Fabio Nunes - NAVITA
Diretor de Engenharia de Software
Fone:    55 48 225-5396
Celular: 55 48 9119-9918
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