Line 124 is the line with Try {
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Bryan F. Hogan
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:28 AM
  Subject: Re: Non safe Array with XML2CF

  Which line is 124?

  David Brown wrote:

  > Thank you very much for your help.
  > I must be missing something.
  > <cfif isArray(sRetXML.BillPay.FACILITIES.FACILITY)>
  >   <!--- Lets loop through the headlines and output the HeadLine, Source,
  > and document URL --->
  >   <cfloop index="idxDocument" from="1"
  > to="#ArrayLen(sRetXML.BillPay.FACILITIES.FACILITY)#">
  >   <cfscript>
  >   try {
  >   sVerisignRef=sRetXML.billPay.facilities.facility[idxDocument].verisign.referanceNum.value;
  >   }
  >   catch(Any excpt){
  >   sVerisignRef=0;
  >   }
  >   </cfscript>
  >      #sVerisignRef#
  >   </cfloop>
  > </cfif>
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