I correct myself, the example works, but what I'm trying to do doesn't work. Can anyone look at this and see why it isn't working

#iif(listlen(cgi.query_string, "&") gt 1, Evaluate(DE("listdeleteat(listdeleteat(cgi.query_string, 1, "&"), 1, "=")")), DE("test"))#

The cgi query_string will have either fuseaction=login.login or fuseaction=login.login&fa=something.else , that way if I am passing the extra fa I want them to be redirected to that fa after login.


> I was having some issues on IIF and thought I was using it correctly
> so I reverified it by looking at the examples in the book and if I
> copy an example directly out of the docs, it doesn't work. Try this in
> CFMX 6.1 #IIf(IsDefined("Form.Deliver"), Evaluate(DE("Form.Deliver")),
> DE("no"))#
> That should output no and not throw an error, but on my box it does.
> Anyone know a workaround. The livedocs can be viewed here.
> http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/6.1/htmldocs/funct117.htm
> bob
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