using dots implicitly creates structs now in CFMX.  Since dot notation has significant meaning in other langs, I personally feel its bad practise to name variable this way anyhoo.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dots in variable names behaving unexpectedly

Can someone give me the lowdown on why...
registrant.emergencyPhone.Phone.countryCode = 1; equivalent to...
registrant["emergencyPhone"]["Phone"]["countryCode"] = 1;

Is this new in CFMX? I used to name variables with dots in them to
sort of give pseudo-scopes to groups of variable. Maybe it's always
behaved this way, but I never had occasion to dump one?

This has very strange consequences when doing something like this
(please try running this form yourself):

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="123" name="blah.blee.bloo">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
form.blah.blee.bloo = 234234;
<cfdump var=#form#>

The dump shows both variables in the form scope, but shows the "true,"
posted form variable as a simple variable (blah.blee.bloo), but the
locally set form variable is a structure of structures.

I guess the lesson is not to have dots as delimiters in form vars
anymore, but can someone explain what's at work here? Also, can I (and
should I) always expect that this dot notation for structures will
work, and can I start using (and relying on) that notation?

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