As far as I know, in the Linux hacker community cracking Linux box of your
enemy hacker is far more worthy of a prize than hacking some MS box of some
inexperienced user. Anyway, I think this is getting off topic now, lets go
back to CF application security exclusively.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:38 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: RE: RE: Securing CF Apps.

  >What is funny to me is that the number of Linux vulnerabilities far
  >surpasses the number of M$ ones.  Look into it.  It's just that M$
  >are more commonly used, and therefore more commonly attacked.

  Hmmm, but isn't the number of possible subsystems in Linux far greater
  that of Windows? (I know I read that somewhere, but can't remember where.
  Perhaps somebody can confirm/reject this.) You need to look at the
  *percentage* of vulnerabilities in each OS before making that statement.
  Windows only has 25 vulnerabilities in 75 subsystems, and Linux has 30
  vulnerabilities in 150 subsystems, Windows has the greater *percentage* of
  vulnerabilities, thus making it the more vulnerable OS.

  Also, while I'm sure the "greater use" statement holds some merit, it's
  that black and white either. If you lurk around the Linux world, you'll
  that hackers/programmers are constantly trying to break into each others'
  systems, Linux included. Heck, there's even formal contests set up to do
  this. Linux is just as attacked as Windows I would wager, but you only
  about the Windows attacks in the news because of the number of people a
  vulnerability might effect.

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