Steve Nelson wrote:
>'1'   << note the
> single quotes

It should be without quotes here.

> SQL =
> select first_name
>      from users
>          where user_id='''1'''  << note the extra doubled up single quotes

Without quotes that would be:
where user_id='1'
which is safe.

> 20TABLE%20temp;%20COMMIT;%20--'

Again without the extra quotes.

> SQL =
> select first_name
>      from users
>          where user_id='''h4ck3r\''; DROP TABLE temp; COMMIT; --''' << note
> the doubled up single quotes still

That will be sent to the database as:
where user_id='h4ck3r\''; DROP TABLE temp; COMMIT; --'
which is not safe in all databases.

> The table is still there. Of course this is on SQL2000. So that may be a
> difference.

Does SQL2000 use C-style escaping?

> But it's CF that's doubling up the quotes, not the database.

And the backslash, which is not doubled by CF, negates the first
of these quotes in databases that use C-style escaping:\';DROP%20TABLE%20temp;%20COMMIT;%20--'


I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
     - Loesje
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