Okay, here's the deal. One of our programmers has created an include that
would be in the root of a site (call it, "navbar.cfm") and there's one page
(index.cfm) that calls it from the root (<cfinclude template="navbar.cfm">).

Now, in navbar.cfm, there's a path to an image (let's say <img
src="" for instance). He's using absolute paths
because he says "slash images should always refer to the root" and doesn't
understand why he can't include that same file in a page one directory below
(about/index.cfm) and it not work. In other words, when the page below
(about/index.cfm) tries to reconcile the path, it's seeing the same path
that the root page is seeing (<img src="" and
it's breaking it and not showing the image (so now, when you "view source"
on the page, you see http://devserver.ourdomain.com/images/... and you
should see http://devserver.ourdomain.com/ThisSite/images/...) .

Now, our development server is set up on a smallish PC running IIS and the
site (and all others in development) is set up under the webroot of the IIS
server, so that when you're testing it, you simply go to
http://devserver.ourdomain.com/ThisSite/ and you can see the root of
"ThisSite" which is the directory "ThisSite" under webroot

Is a virtual directory what he's looking for? Is it a mapping issue? I
admit, I'm fairly stupid when it comes to IIS issues and web server
administration issues, and will readily admit that I'm no mapping wizard, so
I hope I explained it correctly, but I'd love to be able to do this.
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