Did you have CFID and CFTOKEN as cookies too? I think CF will take those
before it looks at the form scope. It would be fairly easy to have some
tests to see what is accepted first. Have the cookies set and have url
and form vars passed to the test page. See what session picks up.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylo stylo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: zondag 28 maart 2004 7:06
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: form.cfid ignored. Why?
> Sorry, I see how the list works now. I am posting on the HOF
> site and changed the title when replying. Here is the
> background to this message, followed by, well, the follow up:
> >  I want an background post from my card processor to  log into a
> > particular customer session.
> Hmm, stopped working now.
> I have an approval post from my cc processor. Previously I
> got back the cfid/token values only, so tacked them on a
> cflocation string and reloaded to hook up with the correct
> customer session. Funny thing was, it worked locally, but
> onsite kept looping as though it were reposting. (Logs
> actually said post, not get. Why???) I added a special url
> variable to the string to check, and that broke the looping
> and it worked.
> I then found out I could get hidden vars back, so I'm getting
> cfif and cftoken back as form vars. Should work, but stopped,
> as though it isn't hooking up with the correct session anymore.
> ***
> > I just did a cfdump of form and session variables at the top of the
> > page called by my cc processor using a live transaction.
> The form.cfid
> > and token aren't picked up!
> >
> > Session vars (created on the same page as below, ignoring the form
> > variables present):
> > CFID 732823
> > CFTOKEN 15411960
> >
> > Form vars (which is the correct session of the person paying):
> > CFID 732698
> > CFTOKEN 37242305
> >
> > Why might this not be working?
> Any ideas?
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