VB6 was where I came from...I loved the language and the IDE.  However when I first encountered CF, i realized I could do everything I wanted to do as far as web development faster, easier and have a lot more fun with CF than I ever could with VB.  I have not had a chance to take a close look at asp.net, but all I can say is if you can actually debug it now it's a big improvement.  I would jump on the asp.net wagon if I had the time or the training budget allowed to me :-)  But CF will always be first in my book for quick and dirty RAD web projects.  When I start having to do some major integration with some of the other systems, I will be looking at asp...but only where it's needed.

>I agree that learning something new is fun and I am sort of enjoying .NET.
>My chief complaint would be that M$ makes you go around the block when all
>you need to do is just go down to the end of the street in regards to
>coding.  I also realize that as a pure CF developer I am not nearly as
>marketable as I was a few years ago (I am ONLY referring to the DFW area).
>If I move to DC or VA, I can get a job no problem. However, being forced to
>learn something new sort of takes the joy out of it. My driving force at
>this moment is the fact that I have to pay the bills and support a family
>and the fact that I am more marketable in the area should the need to find a
>new place of employment ever arise.
>  _____  
>From: Gaulin, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:48 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: why I love coldfusion...and not .net
>I always thought learning something new was fun... but I guess if you want
>to make it a drag, that's your business.
>(I have no opinion of asp.net at this point since I haven't had the
>opportunity to play with it... yet.)
>    Mark
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dan Farmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:11 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: why I love coldfusion...and not .net
>Ughhh. the day I have to learn asp.net and stop using coldfusion is the day
>web development would cease to be enjoyable and thus I would be looking for
>a new job.
>  _____
>  _____
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