Opps...forgot to paste the code:

  * Generates an XMLDoc object from a basic CF Query.
  * @param query          The query to transform. (Required)
  * @param rootElement    Name of the root node. (Default is "query.")
  * @param row    Name of each row. Default is "row." (Optional)
  * @param nodeMode       Defines the structure of the resulting
XML.  Options are 1) "values" (default), which makes each value of each
column mlText of individual nodes; 2) "columns", which makes each value of
each column an attribute of a node for that column; 3) "rows", which makes
each row a node, with the column names as attributes. (Optional)
  * @return Returns a string.
  * @author Nathan Dintenfass
  * @version 2, November 15, 2002
function queryToXML(query){
         //the default name of the root element
         var root = "query";
         //the default name of each row
         var row = "row";
         //make an array of the columns for looping
         var cols = listToArray(query.columnList);
         //which mode will we use?
         var nodeMode = "values";
         //vars for iterating
         var ii = 1;
         var rr = 1;
         //vars for holding the values of the current column and value
         var thisColumn = "";
         var thisValue = "";
         //a new xmlDoc
         var xml = xmlNew();
         //if there are 2 arguments, the second one is name of the root element
         if(structCount(arguments) GTE 2)
                 root = arguments[2];
         //if there are 3 arguments, the third one is the name each element
         if(structCount(arguments) GTE 3)
                 row = arguments[3];
         //if there is a 4th argument, it's the nodeMode
         if(structCount(arguments) GTE 4)
                 nodeMode = arguments[4];
         //create the root node
         xml.xmlRoot = xmlElemNew(xml,root);
         //capture basic info in attributes of the root node
         xml[root].xmlAttributes["columns"] = arrayLen(cols);
         xml[root].xmlAttributes["rows"] = query.recordCount;
         //loop over the recordcount of the query and add a row for each one
         for(rr = 1; rr LTE query.recordCount; rr = rr + 1){
                 //loop over the columns, populating the values of this row
                 for(ii = 1; ii LTE arrayLen(cols); ii = ii + 1){
                         thisColumn = lcase(cols[ii]);
                         thisValue = query[cols[ii]][rr];
                                 case "rows":
= thisValue;
                                 case "columns":

= thisValue;

= thisValue;

         //return the xmlDoc
         return xml;
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