Well when you want to set percentage to ZERO and discountedprice to
the value of price the just strip the quotes from your second SET-line
- assuming the two price-fields are database-fields.

But there has should be a WHERE-clause because else all fields in your
db will get updated.

<CFQUERY name="change" datasource="printprices">
  UPDATE bookinfo
  SET    percentage = '#form.percentage#',
         discountedprice = price
  WHERE  id = #form.id#



RC> Take out the second set statement.

RC> <CFQUERY name="change" datasource="printprices">
RC> Update bookinfo
RC> SET     percentage = '#form.percentage#',
RC>          'discountedprice' = 'price'
RC> </cfquery>

RC> There probably should be a 'WHERE' clause in there too, as well as u should
RC> be using cfqueryparam.  Look it up in a book for the syntax, etc

RC> At 10:23 AM 3/30/2004, Robert Orlini wrote:
>>I have a query in an action page where I set a column to 0 (from a form)
>>and update discountedprice to the same value as price. Here is the code:
>><CFQUERY name="change" datasource="printprices">
>>Update bookinfo
>>SET percentage = '#form.percentage#'
>>SET 'discountedprice' = 'price'
>>I'm kinda a newy to all this so of course it doesn't work. I get an error
>>with -- SET 'discountedprice' = 'price'
>>Any ideas please? Thanks.
>>Robert O.

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