I have had a lot of people ask me for this so here you go. I decided to
release the source for the _javascript_ remoting libraries - dubbed
Neuromancer, as well as the sources for the _javascript_ chat demos (Dick
said he was OK with releasing his cfc). The newer HTML chat is pretty
cool if I do say so myself :-o

You can find the (sparse) documentation, and links to the demos and
sources here: http://www.rohanclan.com/products/neuromancer/

Neuromancer is actually more then just the remoting libraries, it's a
system to bring all _javascript_ miniapps (for lack of a better term)
under the same system. If you have ever had like a js calendar and a js
ticker scroller that both tried to take the document onkeypress event
you know what I am talking about. Neuromancer is also attempting to
provide an abstract layer between browsers so you can just do one call
and get what you need.

The _javascript_ remoting has only been tested with Cold Fusion web
services and can natively pass Arrays, strings, numerics and queries
(via thin arrays and the thin array cfc) between the client and the

It's pretty fast, but has some limitations. You are welcome to play with
it and contribute if you like. I have many many things I am doing right
now (aside from trying to find a job) so I don't think I'll be able to
run this project... any takers?

BTW as a little joke I call this a PIA (Poor Internet Application)

It's not Flex, it's not even Laszlo, but it is cost and plug-in free
(and probably runs faster). Plus if you know _javascript_ you have a
pretty minimal learning curve.

Have fun,
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