>but you have to separate things:
>you can validate the stylesheet against a w3c css standard, which makes
>sure that all the code is correct.
>That does not imply (necessarily) that a browser (esp. a legacy one)
>interprets and renders it correctly. You can either test that hands-on
>or learn (read/the hard way) what is supported and not supported
>(general rules: IE6 supports most of the basics, Moz/Firefox supports
>some 99.5%, opera, ie5/mac and safari good, nn4 and older IE/win are not
>so good). There are loads of resources around for your css needs, this
>might be a good starting point:

Sorry, didn't mean pure validation from a syntax standpoint. I meant that
it'll give you messages such as "property X is not supported in Safari 1.0".
At that point, you know that you're going to have issues in Safari browsers
if you use that property. And you can even configure which
OS/browsers/versions to check against so that if you're not developing for
NS 4, it won't show those erros.

Try an eval copy of DW MX to see what I mean if you don't own it. It still
has its flaws, but the CSS support is really unmatched that I've seen.

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