That's odd...

I had some encoding problems on a RedHat9 CFMX6.1 box....

But after adding processing and encoding directions everything was great.

I've never seen that...

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dan Farmer
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 8:18 AM
  Subject: French characters problem...

  I'm having a problem with various french characters such as  é I think
  the browser does some wacky with the special characters... such as use a
  default font or something.... how can I fix this?

  If you go here and look at the "e"' you'll see what I mean.

  Does anyone know what my <meta> tag settings should be? and would this solve
  the problem?

  Daniel Farmer
  Producer / Coldfusion Developer
  P: 613.284.1684
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