Original Message:
> From: "Ian Skinner"

Thanks.  I've actually figured out a solution.  I spent an hour late yesterday developing a mathematical formula for how to display this data on my dry erase board (I felt like Good Will Hunting :) ).

I've since managed to get this working in ColdFusion, too :).

Here's the basics:

The formula is:
recordNumber = c + (colsPerRow * (i-1)) + ((n-1) * numDates)

c = the column number in the table ( from 1 to colsPerRow )
colsPerRow = columns per row
i = number of the iteration through all of the dates (i.e., if there are 3 sets of dates, i will be from 1 to 3)
n = the row number in the table ( from 1 to the numTests )
numDates = the number of total dates (ListLen(datelist))
numIterations = Ceiling(numDates / colsPerRow)
numTests = the number of tests [from a query]

Once you know that formula, you can do this (pseudo code):
1) Loop along the number of iterations (using i as the index)
2) Loop along the number of tests (using n as the index)
3) Loop along the colsPerRow (using c as the index)
4) If c = 1, then display the test name for that row [returned in a query] (using the above formula]
5) Then, display each result  (getPanels.result[recordNumber])

This works and appears to work for all the values I've tested it with.  Thank goodness. This has been a thorn in my side for a while now.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Scott Brady
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