Austin Govella wrote:

> I have a list of generic features.
> And I have a list of features assigned to a specific item.
> I want to print out the generic features with checkboxes
> next to them.
> If the item in question has been assigned one of the
> features, I would like the checkbox for that feature to be
> checked.
> In the input tag for the checkbox, what function should I be
> using to compare the feature_id to the query results?

This has taken me all day, but I think the break at lunch
helped clear things up for me.

After querying the selected features, create an empty
variable (it will eventually hold the list of features):

<cfset variables.selected_features = "">

Using cfoutput, add each of the selected features to the list:

<cfoutput query="q_selected_features">
<cfset variables.selected_features =

If you output variables.selected_features, you'll see a
comma delimited list of feature id's.

While ouputting the complete list of possible features, you
add a cfif statement to the checkboxes:

<cfif listfind(variables.selected_features, #feature_id#)
IS NOT "0">

variables.selected_features is our list of currently
selected features. feature_id comes from the full list of
possible features.

This *is* the easy way to solve this, right?

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