>Why don't you just try it and tell us?

I had tried it and received an error, though now hours later I don't
remember the error.  Since I'm a bit new at this, I don't know if the
error was due to me or the fact that I was trying several things at
once and one after the other, or that it didn't apply to Oracle.
I did a search before I wrote back and didn't find any references to
'cfqueryparam' and oracle.  I had barely any hits and saw a mention
that it was for SQL, which I assumed meant NOT Oracle, so that's why
I asked.
I don't know whether it's not for Oracle or that it 'just worked' as
is for Oracle and no one mentions it specifically.  So....

Anyhoo, I have it working and I learned a bit.

Thanks for all the replies.

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD  20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone
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