Ok, I figured out I should use ListQualify on the list to add the single quotes and preservesinglequotes within the query to preserve the quotes for revised code of:

<cfoutput query="checkForEmp21Overlap">
<cfset overlapRecordCount=
<cfif DateFormat(myStart,"mm/dd/yyyy") gte DateFormat(finalDay,"mm/dd/yyyy")>
<cfset overlapRecordCount = ListQualify(overlapRecordCount,"'",",","CHAR")>

<cfquery name="megaquery_output_recordspecific_dateRestricted" dbtype="query">
FROM megaquery_output_recordspecific
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP" value="#formattedBeginDay#"> and
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP" value="#formattedEndDay#">)
<cfif listlen(overlapRecordCount) gt 0>
AND (myStart NOT IN (#preserveSingleQuotes(overlapRecordCount)#))
ORDER BY myStart;

Now the problem is I get a "Query Of Queries runtime error.
Unsupported type comparison."

I tried using cfqueryparam to set the type to "date", but it doesn't seem to be compatible with lists.

Any new suggestions?

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