I have set up an Apache web server running on Solaris that has three
virtual hosts in addition to the physical address.  I added my
workstation's IP address to the debug settings page but the debug msgs do
not appear for any of the sites.  The only way I can view any debug msgs is
if I access localhost using my web server's browser. I tried the
?mode=debug and <cfsetting showdebugoutput=yes> in Application.cfm already.

FYI I'm using Apache 2.0.48/Solaris 8/CFMX 6.1 non-JRun, and I'm using
IP-based virtual hosting.  (And I set this box up myself - I'm not sharing
it with anyone.)

Thanx for any help!

Joe Tseng

Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish.
Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries.
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