Thank you for testing that,Ian. I must have jumped to the wrong conclusion. I didn't expect that onClick would read the <cfelse> portion of my <cfif> when the condition was met for the menu_nonbmarkLink.

> I think you might be right, when I added a row to my test query with a
> blank "menu_bmarkLink" it produced output such as this:
> <li><a ... >

> That is definitely incorrect syntax in the onClick property and my
> test threw a JS error, but it did not say anything about not
> understanding #menu_bmarkLink#

> You should just need to trap for blanks in that column and not output
> an onClick property for those rows.

> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning
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