This is the xml I am receiving. This xml is not generated by me. It is being sent to me via a form. My cfm page handles the xml that comes in.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<upload table="INVOICE" franid="000" password="88888">

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Paul Kenney
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:06 PM
  Subject: RE: ColdFusion and XML

  How did you encode the XML?

  Paul Kenney

  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: chad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:33 AM
  > To: CF-Talk
  > Subject: ColdFusion and XML
  > I generated a cfm page that process a xml document that is
  > submitted in a form. The problem is the XML document is
  > encoded and it causes my cfm page to error out. Does anyone
  > know how to decode an encoded xml page?
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