Hi gang.

I was trying to demonstrate CFMX's self documentation of CFCs to a co-worker, so punched in the URL to a CFC file.  I got the error listed below.  

I've seen this occur before but have not been able to determine the exact circumstances where I would see it.  I initially suspected it was a problem in how we were calling our CFCs  (i.e. MyObj = createObject("component", "#oConfig.CFCPath#.rules.myCFC"); ), but have seen this work with no problems before as well.  So I'm a little confused.  The error being reported is in a Java class, and does not point to any code we've written.

Any tips or suggestions on this?  Thanks muchly.


(ps.  We're on CFMX 6.0.  An upgrade to 6.1 is not an option at this point.)

Here's the error I'm seeing:
Object Instantiation Exception.  
Class not found: coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxyFactory  
The Error Occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\componentutils\cfcexplorer.cfc: line 175

173 : <cfscript>
174 : if ( IsDefined('arguments.path') and arguments.path neq '' ) {
175 : proxy = CreateObject( "java", "coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxyFactory" ) ;
176 : comp = proxy.ResolvePath( arguments.path, getPageContext() ) ;
177 : } else {
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