okay I was using DWMX 6.0 and had a file that, when opened within DWMX, shut DWMX down completely. I did the upgrade to 6.1 but I'm still experiencing the same results. Can anyone see a reason why the code below would cause this? Can someone cut and paste the code below into a file and then open the file with DWMX and let me know if you had any problems. This is driving me nutz.
Thanks in advance,
<cftransaction action=""> <cftry>
<cfinclude template="questionTransChkReason.cfm">
<cfinclude template="questionTransChkSource.cfm">
<cfif left(bq2.questiontype,4) IS "grid">
<cfinclude template="questionTransChkGrid.cfm">
<cfif gridcmd IS 1>
<!--- do nothing --->
<cfelseif ListFind("insert,approval,change",cmd) GT 0>
<cfinclude template="questionTransInsertAns.cfm">
<cfelseif cmd IS "update">
<cfinclude template="questionTransUpdateAns.cfm">
<cfthrow type="local" message="System error: This is not your fault. Please print this page and give it to your Trusted Agent. Invalid cmd for baseanswer insert/update: #cmd#">
<cfif ListFind("insert,update",cmd) GT 0>
<cfif bq2.questiontype IS "fields">
<cfinclude template="questionTransFields.cfm">
<cfelseif left(bq2.questiontype,4) IS "grid">
<cfinclude template="questionTransGrid.cfm">
<cfinclude template="questionTransUpdateStatus.cfm">
<cftransaction action="" />
<cfcatch type="local">
<!--- an error happened, stay on this form and display it --->
<cfset errormessage = "Error: " & cfcatch.message & " (Module=questionTrans)">
<cftransaction action="" />
<cfset actionURL = "#CurrentPage#?#CGI.QUERY_STRING#">
<cfset cmd = "">
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