Ok I'll try that. This option is a lot better than what I got working
below. I was going to combine those queries into a stored procedure and
call the procedure. ;-)

<cfquery name="qry_selectIntoTemp" datasource="#request.dsn#">
INTO ##temp2
FROM tbl_contacts

<cfquery name="qry_updateTemp" datasource="#request.dsn#">
UPDATE ##temp2
SET companyName=ttoOfficeName
WHERE companyName is null and ttoOfficeName is not null

<cfquery name="qry_getContacts" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT companyName, ttoOfficeName
FROM ##temp2
ORDER BY convert(nvarchar, companyName)

<cfdump var="#qry_getContacts#">

Deanna Schneider wrote:

> CASE WHEN companyName is not null THEN companyName
> ELSE WHEN ttoOfficeName is not null THEN ttoOfficeName
> ELSE 'n/a' END as SiteName
> FROM yourtable
> ORDER BY SiteName
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