> I've seen two cases resolved where this problem occurred, security was ok, &
> the user could telnet to the port and connect.  Those two were resolved by
> finding misconfigurations in one of the two host config files (/etc/hosts/,
> /etc/sysconfig/network).

OK, you win.  ;)  There was a misconfiguration in the /etc/hosts file.  I've no idea how this was changed (as everything used to work fine!) but at least the connector now, um, connects.

But now I'm back to where I started yesterday - I'm getting JRun 404 errors, not apache or even nicely formatted CF "missing template" notices, just plain JRun 404s.  Looking at the app log:

"Error","jrpp-65","04/23/04","15:22:58",,"File not found: /index.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /var/www/html/siteroot/index.cfm "
"Error","jrpp-65","04/23/04","15:22:58",,"Exception thrown by error-handling template:"
"Error","jrpp-65","04/23/04","15:22:58",," The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/exception/coldfusion/runtime/TemplateNotFoundException.cfm "

It seems like JRun can't find the appropriate file and then when it tries to invoke the CF missing template handler, it can't find that either?!  Anyone seen this before?  


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