On May 6, 2004, at 9:25 PM, Tony Weeg wrote:

> am using sql server, I have aqua data studio, im using query analyzer
> right
>  now...
>  I don't have any other way of getting to the count, that's the
> problem there
>  isnt anything else in the vehicle table that links back to the
> company table
>  that has the guid that links back to the crm system, and its guid for
> the
>  company, and then the order based on the account number, and the
> sales order
>  details, based on the sales order number.
>  maybe I just cant do it with the current table layout.  its like, the
> first
>  part of the query is locking the result set in regardless of what else
>  matches...
>  heck...ill try your plan, its how I built the thing in the first place
>  tho'....cause
>  that's how I trouble shoot too :( so maybe again might work, ill try
> it
>  again.
>  is there any reason that the first join would be sooo commanding in
> regard
>  to its relentless match regardless of the where clause?

That's an interesting question -- an inner join is supposed to return
something if both side of the join are present - so what happens if the
first joins matches and the others don't -- do you have a match or
not--- hmmm

Unfortunately I don't have a db handy with enough relationships that I
can experiment with -- I have Sybase_ASE running on my Mac for complex
dbs -- common ancestry with SQL-Server.

Another option is to put the tests in the where clause with AND


>  tony
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 12:22 AM
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Subject: Re: query question
>  What usually helps me in a case like this is to simplify the query
> (if you
>  can).
>  1) Take out all the joins
>  2) add them back one at a time
>  Kinda' build the complex query in a series of simple steps..
>  Do you have a interactive SQL client that you can use to do this?
>  It looks like you are using SQL-Server, No?
>  Dick
>  On May 6, 2004, at 8:59 PM, Tony Weeg wrote:
>  > ok, I did this.
>  >
>  >  I get everything different, but the id number from the table where
>  > the count  comes from,  the id number of the 1 vehicle that is in
>  > there...it has a different  productId, I see the two different
>  > productId's, it has a different  salesOrderDEtailId, they both have
>  > the same salesOrderId...this isnt making  sense....
>  >
>  >  hmmm
>  >
>  >  tony
>  >
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