Sql uses +  
& is the CF concatenation.

Silly gel.

From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 9:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How do you concatanate two table fields in CFQUERY with MS Access

Hey all,

I need some help with MSAccess SQL statements.

This code throws the error: Too Few Parameters

SELECT tblusers.username, tblJobSeekers.jsfname, tblJobSeekers.jslname,
tblJobSeekers.jsemail, tblJobSeekers.jscountry, tblJobSeekers.pverify,
tblJobSeekers.jsphone1, [atfname] & " " & [atlname] AS AgentName
FROM tblAgent INNER JOIN (tblusers INNER JOIN tblJobSeekers ON
tblusers.userid = tblJobSeekers.userid) ON tblAgent.atid =
ORDER BY tblJobSeekers.jslname;

>From this you can see that I want to concatenate the atfname and atlname
fields into one field and call it Agent Name. There's a reason I need to
have one column with this value rather than do it later when I'm
displaying the data, its for use with a custom tag.

Can anyone suggest why I'm getting this error, and what should be the
correct syntax? This particular query works perfectly from within MS
Access itself.

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