I am using CFMX standard at a Host, so I have no access to CFAdmin. I am dealing with large amounts of data for a hockey stats database.

I have used CFCOLLECTION to index a few database tables and some PDFs. I appear to have reached the permissible limit which is 125,000 records. But I am confused by exactly how the value is determined.

For example, I have the following collections:
- collection of players with appx. 25,000 records
- collection of about 50 PDFs
- collection of teams with appx. 4000 records
- collection of player notes with appx. 15,000 records

So in total, there are no more than about 45,000 records that need to be indexed. I listed the total collections on the box with a script and there are only two others (than mine) for what appear to be small sites, but obviously I cannot be sure of how large those collections are.

- When I index the player notes collection, it only indexes the first few thousand records and then quits, with no errors. I am certain that it is not indexing all of the records as some of the values I know to be present do not get returned. Furthermore, this is te exact behaviour I experience on my laptop which uses CFMX Dev. edition which has a max Verity size of 10,000 docs. The only way I knew that I had reached the limit was by  looking in the CF logs, so I suspect that the same thing is happening at the host.

Despite thinking that I may have reached the max record limit, when I re-index the player collection after I add 200 new players and re-index the collection, they are present. If I were in fact at the limit, would the player collection not grow either?

- Is there a function to determine the number of records indexed? (Host is not using K2...I tried those functions)
- I understand that each row returned in the indexed query is considered a document, but does it somehow consider joins in the equation?
- Should I resort to database searching and just use Verity for PDFs?

Any info appreciated.

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