What do you think this will do?

Are you trying to remove all the brackets? Are the | meant to be ORs?

If so, this might do it. We build a class out of the puncuation you want to remove. The [] need to be handled seperately since they are special and can't be placed in a class.

<cfset other="[\(){}]">
<cfset tmp = REReplaceNoCase(tmp,other,"","ALL")>
<cfset tmp = ReplaceNoCase(tmp,"[","","ALL")>
<cfset tmp = ReplaceNoCase(tmp,"]","","ALL")>

I am sure someone smarter will show you a better way.

Mr. Doom?

Jerry Johnson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/05/04 02:07PM >>>
I can't seem to get this to work, any ideas?

<cfset other="\|(|)|{|}|[|]">
<cfset tmp = REReplaceNoCase(tmp,other,"","ALL")>
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