On Wed, 19 May 2004 17:06:08 +0200, Pascal Peters wrote:

>Do you need to pass it like this or can you transform the list on the
>server to make the ranges?

I need to pass it like  1-16,23-25,30,33,40-42,46-48 to the server.

Is the list always in numerical order?

Yes it is.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nathan R. Jessop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: woensdag 19 mei 2004 17:00
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: re: Arrange sequential selections into ranges how to???
>> Hi,
>> I'm reading in an external file and then passing the results
>> to my action page by selecting all or individual selections.
>> This is what the listing would like from the file I'm reading
>> in (which is generated by a another program).
>> 001>folio:  2201 . . . 274.00 points free
>> 002>folio:  2251 . . . 021.00 points free
>> 003>folio:  2252 . . . 001.00 points free
>> 004>folio:  2253 . . . 011.00 points free
>> 005>folio:  2254 . . . 001.00 points free
>> 006>folio:  2255 . . . 001.00 points free
>> 007>folio:  2256 . . . 213.00 points free
>> 008>folio:  2301 . . . 412.00 points free
>> 009>folio:  2305 . . . 202.00 points free
>> 010>folio:  2311 . . . 009.00 points free
>> 011>folio:  2312 . . . 003.00 points free
>> 012>folio:  2313 . . . 000.50 points free
>> 013>folio:  2314 . . . 006.50 points free
>> 014>folio:  2315 . . . 321.50 points free
>> 015>folio:  2317 . . . 008.00 points free
>> 016>folio:  2318 . . . 006.50 points free
>> 017>folio:  2319 . . . 230.50 points free
>> 018>folio:  2325 . . . 000.00 points free
>> 019>folio:  2326 . . . 001.00 points free
>> 020>folio:  2327 . . . 202.50 points free
>> 021>folio:  2335 . . . 007.00 points free
>> 022>folio:  2336 . . . 012.00 points free
>> 023>folio:  2337 . . . 001.50 points free
>> 024>folio:  2338 . . . 010.00 points free
>> 025>folio:  2339 . . . 004.00 points free
>> 026>folio:  2340 . . . 012.50 points free
>> 027>folio:  2341 . . . 001.50 points free
>> 028>folio:  2342 . . . 007.50 points free
>> 029>folio:  2343 . . . 001.50 points free
>> 030>folio:  2344 . . . 007.50 points free
>> 031>folio:  2345 . . . 022.00 points free
>> I then loop through the file and display the results in a <select>.
>> It would display something like this:
>> Seq: 1 Folio: 2201
>> Seq: 2 Folio: 2202
>> Seq: 3 Folio: 2203
>> Seq: 4 Folio: 2204
>> Seq: 5 Folio: 2205
>> Seq: 6 Folio: 2206
>> Seq: 7 Folio: 2207
>> ...and so on...
>> From here the user can select all the pages or individual
>> selections using the Shift or Ctrl keys. The results are
>> passed to my action page as a comma delimiited list
>> (variable) and fed into the program. At times the user
>> selsection can be VERY large and the program barfs because it
>> can't handle such a large string.
>> So this is my question. How can I arrange sequential
>> selections into ranges. Meaning is a user selects the first
>> 50 pages. Currently when the selection gets passed to my
>> action page the results would be:
>> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
>> ,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,4
>> 5,46,47,48,49,50
>> How can I make the above get passed as:
>> 1-50?
>> and if the selection happended to be:
>> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,23,24,25,30,33,40,41,42
>> ,46,47,48
>> How can I make the above get passed as this:
>> 1-16,23-25,30,33,40-42,46-48
>> The below code generate the listing like:
>> Seq: 1 Folio: 2201
>> Seq: 2 Folio: 2202
>> Seq: 3 Folio: 2203
>> Seq: 4 Folio: 2204
>> Seq: 5 Folio: 2205
>> Seq: 6 Folio: 2206
>> Seq: 7 Folio: 2207
>> ...and so on...
>> <select name="filelist" size="15" multiple class="dirlinks">
>> <cfloop INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#ArrayLen(arPages)#">
>> <cfset sVal = Trim(ListFirst(arPages[i], ">"))>
>> <cfset sDisp = Trim(ListLast(arPages[i], ">"))>
>> <cfset sValNoComma = NumberFormat(sVal, "9999999999")>
>> <cfset sVal = NumberFormat(sVal)>
>> <option value="#sValNoComma#">Seq:
>> #sValNoComma#&nbsp;&nbsp;Folio: #sDisp##spacer1#</option>
>> </cfloop>
>> </select>
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
>> Commanding Officer
>> Marine Ground Forces
>> Guatanamo Bay, Cuba
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