Sorry for the off topic, but we've exhausted Google and MSDN on this issue, and the list just happens to have a bunch of experts on it, so I'm hoping....

We have an older database server that finally crashed it's motherboard.  This server was running NT4 with SQL Server 6.5.  Because it's NT4, I can't just drop the drive into a new box and hope it'll work (it won't).  And I'm not too concerned about the OS anyways, but I am concerned about the database files.  Unfortunately the tech who last worked on this server was only backing up the database device file - not the databases themselves.  We've done a pretty thorough search of MSDN and Google trying to figure out how to access the database in the device file - all with no luck.  I'm confident the data is intact and good, but we just can't get access to it.  

The data includes billing information, so is considered critical.  Luckily we did find a backup of the database from two weeks prior to the crash (guess the tech did a manual backup), so we're not hurting toooo bad.  But we do need the data after the backup up till the date of the crash.

Anyone have any tips or suggestions?

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