I'm getting into using web services more (from Flash and CF) and I'm
curious if there is an amount of data that is considered "reliable" and
if there is a set amount that is considered "too much" for web services
to handle.  Just as an off the wall example, let's say I have a server
with information in a database (1000 records and about 10 columns).   If
I query that information out of the database and want to call a web
service on another machine to pass that data to machine 2 and have it do
some data scrubbing and then insert into a database on that computer, is
that too much to pass via a webservice?  Is it better to loop over the
1000 records and pass them to the web service one at a time or is it
better to pass a struct of all 1000 records at once and do the parsing
on the web service side?

If anyone has examples of things that are and are not reliable and maybe
some general pointers on when web services are a good thing and when
they might not be the best tool for the job, please share.  Thanks!

John Burns
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