First, thx to the guys who helped me out earlier.  And because of their
help, I've gotten to the point where I've got another question.

A bit of background - I've got a view in Oracle that's got 21 columns and
1066 rows; I was told the number of rows is going to grow larger.  It
seemed to me CF was a bit slow to generate the XML, so I thought my area
of focus should change to generating the XML in Oracle.

As a result of that change in direction, I wrote the code below (using a
bit of SQLX) to generate XML directly from the database:

<cfparam name="strComma" type="string" default="">

<cfquery name="getGALColumns" datasource="#REQUEST.DataSource#" maxrows="1">
  select * from tivoli.gal_pc_data_view order by last_name

<cfset strGALColumns = getGALColumns.columnlist>

<cfset strQuery = "select

    <cfloop index="columnname" list="#strGALColumns#">
      <cfset strQuery = strQuery & strComma &
      <cfset strComma = ",">

<cfset strQuery = strQuery &
  )) as results
  from tivoli.gal_pc_data_view">

<cfquery name="getGALEntries" datasource="#REQUEST.DataSource#" maxrows="2">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

The CFM script does not finish running; it cuts off directly in the middle
of the XML document.  What I just noticed though is that the total number
of characters generated was 64000; is this some magic number?  Is this
some built-in CF limit or is this an Oracle limit?

Side question: is there some way to generate an XML document without
filling up a single variable?

System config #1:
Solaris 8
Apache HTTPD 2.0.48
ColdFusion MX 6.1 (J2EE) / JRun 4

System config #2:
Solaris 8
Oracle 9i

Joe Tseng

Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish.
Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries.
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