I would do the database and send the link. It would be more secure and less
likely to raise a HIPPA issue.

Someone posted this link a while back



-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 5:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: How to secure email with CFMAIL

Brant Winter wrote:
> Hi - Maybe I should be addressing this question to the CF-Newbies list,
> I will try here anyway!
> I need to create a form to submit patient data to another health company
> email. I was thinking I could easily write the app in CF to do this, but I
> want to secure the actual email with a digital cert. Can this be done ???

In my experience, the only good way to send encrypted email is to use
PGP or GnuPG ... the client who reads the mail uses PGP or GnuPG to
generate a public/private key, then you use CFEXECUTE on the server to
encrypt the email text with PGP or GnuPG using the public key before
sending it.  Then the email can only be read when decrypted with the
private key.

This is not a user friendly method though.

An alternative would be store the data in the database, and simply email
the user a link to the data that they can view over an SSL connection
after entering their username and password.

  - Rick
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