I'm not sure if it'll be any help, but I built a fairly complete BBML parser
available here:


It's a custom tag and works in 4.5 or above - it might give you some ideas,
perhaps.  Tho' if I were to build it today it might look very different.

Jim Davis


From: jean-marc bottin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 11:11 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: HTML Parser


I would like to build an HTML parser. Does anyone already did it and/or
could give me some directions or suggestion.

The goal is to develop a module in an application that can generate form
element (ie: a drop down list, a checkbox). Once the form is created, we
store it in a WDDX packet and pass it to second module like the htlmarea of
intereactivetools.com. Here, the user can shape its form the way he wants.
For instance, all the elements of the form that he created previously he
puts them in a table of two columns.

>From there we have a "new form" which is shaped based on the user wishes.
Here the HTML parser enter into account. If the user has deleted a form
element, I need to check that this element is missing.

I think I need to have a copy of the original form and compare it to the new
version. And all of this checking will be done by the HTML parser.

Any suggestions?



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