> Turns this:
>       <TD>First Name:</TD>
>       <TD><INPUT NAME="Emp_F_Name"
> VALUE=<CFOUTPUT>"#GetUser.Emp_F_Name#"</CFOUTPUT> size="15">;</TD>
> Into this:
>       <TD>First Name:</TD>
>       <TD><INPUT NAME="Emp_F_Name" VALUE="<CFOUTPUT"
>             >"#GetUser.Emp_F_Name#"</CFOUTPUT> size="15"&gt;</TD>

I never have any problems with the design view, but then I only use it to
see where the tables are being displayed etc. in CF code that I don't want
to run on a server yet.  I certainly wouldn't recommend trying to move stuff
around in design view..

Looking at the mess above it looks like you've confused the tag verifier

Try doing this instead :


This way CF Studio will see the cfoutputs as content in the value attribute
rather than getting confused and thinking that they are actually part of the
input tag.

I think that Design view only screws your code if you're not strict about
eg. Value=<cfoutput>"#GetUser.Emp_F_Name#"</cfoutput>

CFstudio will think that the input tag ends at the first closing angle
bracket (>)



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