
Personally I've tended to store my global settings in an
application-scoped struct, but duplicate them into request scope for
unlocked usage, like this:

<cfset bSetup = false>
<cflock scope="APPLICATION" timeout="10" type="ReadOnly">
<cfif not isDefined( "application.settings")>
<cfset bSetup = true>
<cfif bSetup EQ true>
strSettings = structNew();
strSettings.dsn = "(whatever)";
// etc
<cflock scope="APPLICATION" timeout="10" type="Exclusive">
Application.settings = Duplicate( strSettings );

<!--- duplicate settings into request scope --->
<cflock scope="APPLICATION" timeout="10" type="ReadOnly">
<cfset request.settings = Duplicate( application.settings ) />

You can then read the settings from request scope without having to
worry about locking.

Hope that helps


Alistair Davidson
Senior Technical Developer
Smarter, Simpler, Social
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