
Thanx for the quick reply...I figured it out and sent an emai as soon as
I did...but you had already replied!  My email server is a little slow
getting out


From: tony weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 7:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ArrayLen

need #'s around functions when they are part of that looping mechanism.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Frank Dewey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Wed, 2 Jun 2004 07:47:50 -0500

>Hello all,
>I've got an easy one (for yall anyway).  I'm trying to loop through an
>array and check a value...but I'm doing somnething syntactically
>incorect...I've looked and output the value but I still don't
>what's going on.  Here's what I've got:
><cfloop From="1" to="ArrayLen(S1Array)" index="i">
>     <cfif s1 EQ S1Array[i] AND S3Array[i] EQ 0>
>          <cfset hasSibling = true>
>          hasSibling: #hasSibling#<br>
>     </cfif>
> it's complaining:
>The value of the attribute TO is invalid. The value cannot be converted
>to a numeric because it is not a simple value.Simple values are
>booleans, numbers, strings, and date-time values
>when I output ArrayLen(S1Array) I get I know that this is a
>array and should be a number?  What am I doing wrong?
>Thank you -
>  Frank
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