#cgi.HTTP_HOST# is probably what you're looking for.

Do something simple like:

<cfif #cgi.http_host# EQ "name2.com" OR #cgi.http_host EQ
<cflocation url="" />

I'm not 100% certain on it though, I don't have anything like that set
up on our server.

Note that I don't think #CGI.SERVER_NAME# is what you want - that's the
name of the domain configured in the web server, whereas
#cgi.http_host# I would imagine would store the hostname portion of the
URL.  Of course I could be completely wrong ;)

How is name2.com set to point to the site - via DNS and a static IP
address or a virtual host on the server?  If the server knows of the
domain and handles it via a virtual host then #cgi.server_name# ought
to also work, otherwise I think you need to use #cgi.host_name#.
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - http://www.thelimucompany.com/ - 407-804-1014
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