I was given a piece of code that works, but I don't understand why it
works, so I'm looking for an explanation.

This code uploads a file and if it's too large, it directly the user
to an error page.  I know that the file has to be uploaded into
memory before it can check file size but I don't see how the <cfif>
check on the file size afterwards either comments or tosses the file
upload.  It does.

<cfif isdefined("Form.NewFile")>
   <cfset CurrentDir=GetDirectoryFromPath(ExpandPath("*.*"))>
     action="">      filefield="NewFile"
<!--- if an unauthorized file type upload is attempted --->
<cfcatch type="Any">
<cflocation url="" addtoken="No">

<!--- check the CGI environment variable Content_Length to make sure the file
       being uploaded is less than 10 MB in size.  If it is not, halt
       processing --->

    <cflocation url=""

There's no commit or anything like that after this.  It just displays
some of the cgi file-info.
So how does this file size check, which happens after the file upload
into memory, either ok or not-ok the file upload?  I just don't get

Daniel Kessler

Department of Public and Community Health
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD  20742-2611
301-405-2545 Phone
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