
I tried what you recommended,

I have tried your method below, and it didn't work quite right.  It still
returns a WDDX packet, but now all of the XML is escaped.  The XML file is
at and I am calling the
below code with

Here is the code now.  I tried it without using the closing /> and it had
no effect.

<cffunction name="getNavigation" access="remote"
  returntype="any" displayname="Get SSO navigation XML document"
  hint="This method retrieves an XML document used for SSO navigation bar."
    <cffile action="" file="D:\inetpub\wwwroot\ssoNavigation.xml" variable="myString" />
  <cfreturn toString(myString) />

Totally bizarre.  Also tried restarting the CF service and clearing the
browser cache, no effect.



> <cffunction name="getNavigation" access="remote" returntype="any"
> output="false">
> <cffile action="" file="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tk\gb\data\data1.xml"
> variable="myString">
> <cfreturn xmlFormat(toString(myString))>
> </cffunction>
> Works fine. Try to copy above exactly, maybe it is your /> at the tag
> ends.
> Check the actual XML file, what is in it. Etc. Function works fine on
> CF6.1



Chris Dempsey
Director, Information Services
UCSB Graduate Division
Quis custodiet ipsos custodies
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