In MS SQL Server (2000), you can use the system stored procedure sp_tables.

Issuing the command:

exec sp_tables

will list all the tables in the current database, with a column for table type (System or Table).  More details are in the online help for T-SQL.

There are similar stored procs for getting the primary keys, foriegn keys, and lists of databases.  I also know database systems other than MS SQL have similar functions for getting the meta data of a database.



-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Get Database Tables, etc

I know I have seen this on the list before but I can't find the exact code.
Does anyone have the code for querying a database and returning a list of
tables and/or column info?

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