At 6:58 AM 6/4/4, Claremont, Timothy wrote:
>A couple weeks ago a few list members suggested that I call Macromedia
>and explain my situation for wanting to extend the license on my demo
>version of CFMX for a short time until my capital request goes through.
>Can anyone provide the contact information for the appropriate party to

If things go one-to-one it can get strange, because then you risk hearing
different things from different people. Most CF staffers don't have
trial-version keys anyway, so you'd likely get into some kind of long email

Fortunately, as Nancy pointed out, Macromedia Customer Service would be the
actual contact point, and they have a full listing of common issues with
trial versions... seems like "early expiration" is the closest match in
their top-level documents:

There's also a Customer Service contact there, but it's faster for you to
doublecheck whether they've already documented what you'd like to talk with
someone about, thanks.

(Hmm, but for ColdFusion, the trial expiration turns it into a development
version with limited IPs, right? So there wouldn't be a problem unless it
was already being used commercially with large numbers of people...?)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Developer Support, San Francisco
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