ColdFusion 5:

DateDiff("d", "5/1/2004", "5/31/2004")  = #DateDiff("d", "5/1/2004",
DateDiff("w", "5/1/2004", "5/31/2004")  = #DateDiff("w", "5/1/2004",
DateDiff("ww", "5/1/2004", "5/31/2004") = #DateDiff("ww", "5/1/2004",


DateDiff("d", "5/1/2004", "5/31/2004")  = 30
DateDiff("w", "5/1/2004", "5/31/2004")  = 4
DateDiff("ww", "5/1/2004", "5/31/2004") = 4

The docs state that "w" should return the number of "Weekdays", which I
take to mean the number days between the two dates, minus days that fall
on a weekend.

By poking different dates into the two fields I can get the w and ww
results to differ by one, but most often they're the same.

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