Don't know SQL Server. Sorry. But, as for your 500 error - make sure that
"show friendly http errors is turned off in your IE preferences. Then, you
should at least see more info.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Crawford"
> Deanna Schneider wrote:
> > What database are you using? This sounds like something that would be
> > handled at the database level, instead of running it through CF.
> Deanna,
> I'm using SQL Server 7.  The problem is that the field with the
> characters to be replaced is a TEXT field, and you can't use the REPLACE
> function on a TEXT field.  And, unfortunately, the data is too big in
> some of the records to CAST to VARCHAR.
> Here is the SQL that I've tried using:
> ---------------------------------------------
> select
> msgID,
> msgSent,
> msgFromType,
> msgFromID,
> msgSubject,
> REPLACE (CAST(msgMessage AS varchar(8000)), CHAR(13), '<BR>') AS
> newMessage,
> msgOriginal,
> attID
> into tblMessageNew
> from tblMessage
> ----------------------------------------------
> In records where the value of msgMessage is greater than 8000
> characters, the SQL bombs and no results are returned.
> --
> Richard S. Crawford
> Programmer III,
> UC Davis Extension Distance Learning Group (
> (916)327-7793 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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