When I had this problem on a PHP system I was developing, I ran it
through SpamAssassin to see what the comments were.  That might be your
best bet, you'll be able to see which headers, etc., are being tripped
up on.

> <cfmail
> from="#application.prefs.adminName# <#application.prefs.adminEmail#>"
> subject="#application.prefs.forumsTitle#: Reply posted to topic
> #topic.subject#"
>   to="#subscriber.email#"
> server="#application.prefs.mailServer#"
> type="HTML"
> MAILERID="Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.5510"

One thing off the top of my head is that you are telling it to pretend
that it comes from Outlook but it probably missing extra headers.  Try
setting it to something else.

You'll need to look into <cfmailparam> to set additional headers to
keep the spam checkers happy.  Once you perfect it you might also
consider setting up a CFC or CFX with your default settings so you
don't have to remember the same settings each time you want to send an
Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - http://www.thelimucompany.com/ - 407-804-1014
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