> Now that I have your attention...

This is a silly way to try to get attention.

> I am wondering about what will take place with all the
> current cf websites if this ever happened?

They would probably continue using the current version of CF until they
needed to be rewritten. What's the average life of a version of a web
application, anyway? It's not like we're writing mainframe apps that'll be
running for thirty years - web technology changes rapidly enough that, in
the long run, it really wouldn't matter that much if CF disappeared. Of
course, in the long run, we'll all be dead, per the subject of this post.

> Actually I want to learn coldfusion but have considered
> the fact of cf being proprietary and it diing out.

CFML is proprietary, in the sense that it was created by a single company,
and for all intents and purposes, is controlled by that company. But so
what? Most of us use proprietary products all the time, without worrying
whether they'll die out.

Conversely, there are all kinds of non-proprietary standards that aren't
successful. Standards fall out of favor all the time. Anyone here working on
any VRML projects?

Of course, there are a couple of other companies that make products that use
variations on Macromedia's CFML, but in the absence of a standard, that's
all they really are - variations on CFML, rather than being CFML (although
they may be close enough that we might not notice any difference). If
Macromedia disappeared tomorrow, these products would probably sell very
well, for a while at least, and New Atlanta would be able to define what it
means to be "CFML".

> Is there any news about the W3 ever making .cfm, etc... a
> standand?

No. The W3C doesn't generally just pick up programming languages at random
and standardize them. There has to be some sort of momentum in favor of
standardization, I think.

> What about security issues CF has had in the past?

Such as?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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