I was attempting to get the image dimensions script to work when I got  
this error:

Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: javax.imageio.ImageIO

The error occurred in actImagesInsert.cfm: line 10
Called from fbx_Switch.cfm: line 91
Called from fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm: line 247
Called from index.cfm: line 22
Called from actImagesInsert.cfm: line 10
Called from fbx_Switch.cfm: line 91
Called from fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm: line 247
Called from index.cfm: line 22

8 : <cfif FileExists(#ImagesDir#&#cffile.ServerFile#)>
9 : <cfset jFileIn =  
10 : <cfset ImageObject =  
11 :
12 : <cfset Image = StructNew()>

This is on CFMX 6.0 and suggests that the JRun JVM does not have some  
of the standard Java classes.  Anyone have any ideas what to do?  We're  
intending upgrading to 6.1 but I don't know the ETA yet.  To the people  
who have gotten this to work what version of CF are you using?

Damien McKenna - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Limu Company - http://www.thelimucompany.com/ - 407-804-1014
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